
Industrial Odour and VOC abatement

Typical odour removal efficiency with ModuPlasma® as a standalone unit is in the range 75% - 99% depending on the emission and odour concentration.


Odour and VOC Abatement Control System

ModuPlasma®  is an Odour and VOC abatement system that uses direct treatment, which means the emission is normally led through the energy field, in opposition to some other plasma solutions, where ozone and associated “radicals” are injected into the emission.

This direct treatment results in oxidation 1 to 10 million times faster than in nature. Quick results and done in an environmentally safe manner.

In cases where you cannot make use of the direct treatment, we can provide optimized external injection systems, even if those are less efficient due to the laws of physics.


Removes odour and particulates from emissions with an abatement efficiency of 75-99%


Handles emission volumes from 10,000 m³/h to 20,000 m³/h per module


Power consumption: normal 10-25kW, maximum: 30 kW per module


Small footprint


Simple on/off operation

maintenance / cost

Very low maintenance and operation cost


Remote control and monitoring via the Internet


1 or 30 modules, all depending on your needs


Installation at Felleskjopet, Stavanger, Norway.

Typical SEID AS scope of supply for
ModuPlasma® projects

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