your one stop shop partner for industrial odour and voc abatement systems

pure air, pure tecnology.

installed systems worlwide to world class customers since 1997
0 +

Our Odour, Particles and VOC abatement solutions


Direct oxidation treatment with cold plasma technology  collecting particles and droplets containing odour

  • Volume: 20 000 m3/h per module
  • Power: 10 – 25 kW (max. 30 kW)
  • Relative humidity: < 100%
  • Temperature: < 70 °C
  • Weigh: approx. 2 000 kg per module with platforms
  • One module is 5,5 m tall and  footprint is 3,0 m by 1,7 m

Additional Solutions

Ultraviolet light (UV), Scrubbers, Activated Carbon and Filtration for additional odour removal 

ModuPlasma® alone will typically reduce odour by up to 90%. With high aerosol content, the ModuPlasma® will be used as an ESP – with a highly efficient collection – as odour is present in the aerosols.

Additional odour treatment can be used if required.

A possible solution can be combining ModuPlasma® with UV, scrubber and activated carbon


ESP Power Supplies

Optimize your existing or new ESP system with ModuPower® to improve Particulate Matter collection efficiency

Modularity: each module is 30 kW

Advanced cooling

Simplified maintenance

Remote mounting with cable

Fixed switching frequency 35 kHz

Large range of output ratings

Voltage: fixed per power supply

Current: variable and changeable


Chimneys, ducting & manifolds

  • Volume: 20 000 m3/h per module
  • Power: 10 – 25 kW (max. 30 kW)
  • Relative humidity: < 100%
  • Temperature: < 70 °C
  • Weigh: approx. 2 000 kg per module with platforms
  • One module is 5,5 m tall and  footprint is 3,0 m by 1,7 m

Accesss & service platforms

Modularity: each module is 30 kW

Advanced cooling

Simplified maintenance

Remote mounting with cable

Fixed switching frequency 35 kHz

Large range of output ratings

Voltage: fixed per power supply

Current: variable and changeable



ModuPlasma® alone will typically reduce odour by up to 90%. With high aerosol content, the ModuPlasma® will be used as an ESP – with a highly efficient collection – as odour is present in the aerosols.

Additional odour treatment can be used if required.

A possible solution can be combining ModuPlasma® with UV, scrubber and activated carbon


Our Odour, Particles and VOC treatment


Direct oxidation treatment with cold plasma technology  collecting particles and droplets containing odour

  • Volume: 20 000 m3/h per module
  • Power: 10 – 25 kW (max. 30 kW)
  • Relative humidity: < 100%
  • Temperature: < 70 °C
  • Weigh: approx. 2 000 kg per module with platforms
  • One module is 5,5 m tall and  footprint is 3,0 m by 1,7 m

ModuPlasma® HD

High Density Plasma Reactor is our take on moving the cold plasma technology further

The ModuPlasma® HD solution has been developed over the past few years, and is the “next generation” ModuPlasma® , however with a much smaller size and without the collection capabilities.

The ModuPlasma® HD solution has its own power supply technology, built on the experience from ModuPower®.

Power consumption 18 kW/60 000 m3/h treated air.

Not yet commercially available

Odour Solutions - UV

Ultraviolet light UV, Scrubbers, Activated Carbon Filtration, Scrubber Alkaline, Particle and dust abatement solutions

ModuPlasma® alone will typically reduce odour by up to 90%. With high aerosol content, the ModuPlasma® will be used as an ESP – with a highly efficient collection – as odour is present in the aerosols.

Additional odour treatment can be used if required.

A possible solution can be combining ModuPlasma® with UV, scrubber and activated carbon


Typical industry examples

Odour control

VOC removal

Paint & Coating






Electrostatic precipitators (ESP)

Take the GREEN tour!

Air Flow from Factory

Air Flow from Factory

Air Flow from Factory

Cooling Control Cabinet

SeidPower® Power Supply

ModuPlasma® HD Odour and VOC Treatment

Exhaust to Atmosphere

Exhaust to Atmosphere

ModuPlasma® Odour and VOC Treatment

Our ESP Power Supplies

ModuPower® MPX

Optimize your existing or new ESP system with ModuPower® to improve Particulate Matter collection efficiency.

Modularity: each module is 30 kW

Advanced cooling

Simplified maintenance

Remote mounting with cable

Fixed switching frequency 35 kHz

Large range of output ratings

Voltage: fixed per power supply

Current: variable and changeable



Introduction to the new power platform. Doubling the output power per module and reducing cost and size.

Modularity: each module is 60 kW

Reduced in size

Reduced in cost 

Improved efficiency

Improved rating flexibility

Improved ruggedness

Building block for ModuPlasma® HD

SeidPower® Marine

The SeidPower® Marine is designed for energizing wet ESPs in marine- and similar applications.

Vibration resistance

Certified DNV

Modularity: each module is 60 kW

Advanced cooling

Simplified maintenance

Remote mounting with cable

Fixed switching frequency 35 kHz

Large range of output ratings

Voltage: fixed per power supply

Current: variable and changeable

Your "One stop shop" for emissions to air

Our Energy Recovery Systems

Reducing environmental impact of the installation

Heat Exchangers

Energy source:

Process exhaust gas

Direct savings:

Low system pressure drop 

High efficient fans

Use of recovered energy:

To the process(on the intake side) = preheating of the process air

Directing to other needs = heating of ventilation air and building heating

Combination of above

Air / liquid systems

The waste energy from the systems is used to heat up the liquid. Then energy can be transported to other place, for relatively long distance, where can be used (to heat the air or proceed water)


As liquids based on water are good energy carriers – the piping system has small diameter, and the energy can be transported to long distances. Coils used to transfer the heat between liquid and air can be produced in many different sizes, executions and materials

Air / Air Systems

Based on plate heat exchangers. In this system both air streams must be led to one spot, where the plate heat exchanger is placed. The system has high efficiency and does not need water piping systems (with pumps, valves etc).

Our products to systems


Energy source:

Process exhaust gas

Direct savings:

Low system pressure drop 

High efficient fans

Use of recovered energy:

To the process(on the intake side) = preheating of the process air

Directing to other needs = heating of ventilation air and building heating

Combination of above

Ducting and manifolds

Increased odour reduction

Reduced maintenance of reactors and heat exchangers


Great flexibility

The distance between coils can be significant

Efficient for lower temperatures (≤ 90°C)

Different material choices, also for corrosive applications

Chimneys and stacks

Heat is transferred between two air streams through the channel walls of the heat recovery unit

Simplicity (no moving parts, no pipelines)

Different material choices are available, also for corrosive gasses

Accesss and service platforms

Heat is transferred between two air streams through the channel walls of the heat recovery unit

Simplicity (no moving parts, no pipelines)

Different material choices are available, also for corrosive gasses

Our Technology

  1. High Frequency Switch Mode Power Supply: SEID converts low-voltage grid power into pulsed ultra high-voltage power. 
  2. Cold Plasma Reactors: The pulsed power is used to create a plasma “forcefield” to split molecules with minimal energy consumption.

By combining the two technologies, SEID can offer something no-one else can,
with multiple applications

Our installations worldwide




Great Britain
















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