Since 1997 SEID has been developing a novel high-density non-thermal plasma for removal of an increasing range of pollutants and reforming applications

SEID has developed a unique technology platform consisting of two main technologies:


High Frequency Power Supply

SEID converts low-voltage grid power into
pulsed ultra high-voltage power


Non-thermal Plasma Reactors

The pulsed power is used to create a plasma “forcefield” to split molecules with minimal energy consumption

By combining the two technologies, SEID can offer something no-one else can, with multiple applications

SEID ModuPlasma® system

Industrial Odour and VOC abatement

Coined as the BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY by the European Union*

• Up to 99% removal of pollutants

• 20 000 m3/h capacity per module

Typical SEID AS scope of supply for ModuPlasma® projects

illustration of 4x module system


Optimized High Voltage  ESP Solutions

With our comprehensive knowledge and expertise in ESP power supplies, controls, and hardware, we make ESP processes work to optimum effect – whatever the challenge.

ModuPower® for ESP

Installation Options

The unique switching and transformer design of the ModuPower® MPX allows for remote mounting capabilities. If the ambient temperature of the desired installation location is well above the power supply recommendations, the ModuPower® MPX can be remotely located in a more suitable environment.


  • SEID has since 1997 developed, produced and sold modular air pollution systems to clients globally
  • Since 2017 SEID has been developing a novel high-density non-thermal plasma for removal of an increased range of pollutants and reforming applications


  • Utilizing SEID’s non-thermal plasma technology to produce low-carbon hydrogen and solid carbon from natural gas and biogas
  • An alternative energy- and cost-efficient way of producing hydrogen versus Steam Methane Reforming or Electrolysis

SAME Technology, SAME components, SAME competence:
DIFFERENT applications


  • Utilizing SEID’s non-thermal plasma technology to produce low-carbon hydrogen and solid carbon from natural gas and biogas
  • An alternative energy- and cost-efficient way of producing hydrogen versus Steam Methane Reforming or Electrolysis


  • SEID has since 1997 developed, produced and sold modular air pollution systems to clients globally
  • Since 2017 SEID has been developing a novel high-density non-thermal plasma for removal of an increased range of pollutants and reforming applications

SAME Technology, SAME components, SAME competence:
DIFFERENT applications

The Risavika Hydrogen Hub

Project ColdSpark®

Revolutionizing hydrogen production and distribution

Revolutionizing Hydrogen Production and Distribution

blue-chip customer base

in the Air Pollution Control market for 25 years

Building competence, brand and a significant base of Tier-1 customers

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